X-선 광전자 분광분석기
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
모델명 K-Alpha (Thermo Electron, U.K.)
원 리 시료의 표면에 X선 광전자를 조사시켰을때 방출된 전자를 분석하여 시료표면의 정성,정량 및 원소의 화학결합상태를 측정
주요성능 1. Electron Analyser, Transfer lens and detector - Double focusing hemispherical analyser, mean radius 125mm - Multi element input lens - 128channel detector - Computer controlled crystal alignment 2. Combined low-energy electron/Ion flood source for charge neutralisation - Low energy-spread, high bightness electron source - High precision gas inlet for inert gas admission - Differential pumping 3. Argon ion source for Depth profiling, Specimen cleaning - High precision leak rate gas inlet - Automated beam alignment and focusing 4. Specimen Viewing - high performance color optical system - Three alignment views are always available - Two types of samples illumination are provided. 5. 4-axis specimen stage - Automated specimen stage with internal stepper motors. - Three multi-specimen mounting plates - One mounting plate for powder samples - One set of three rotation holders
용 도 -반도체 표면상태 및 성분 분석 -촉매, 세라믹등의 산화상태 확인 -시료 표면의 정성, 정량 분석 -고분자 복합재료 연구
보유부서 분석기기실1 (공과대학123호)
담당자 _ _
담당자 연락처 031-201-3985
사용요금 http://crf.khu.ac.kr/equipment/index.htm
기타사항 http://crf.khu.ac.kr (온라인 사용 신청)