Cryo Ultramicrotome(CUMT)
모델명 PT PC Ultramicrotome & Photographic
원 리
주요성능 - Computer -based Control, Data base and Video Monitor System - High precision micrometer knife stage - Cutting Speed 0 to 49.9mm/sec in 0.1mm/sec increment - Auto thick sectioning to 10microns. auto thin sectioning to 5nm - Illuminatin System with 2 separate light sources for 7 types of illumination - Control unit for power Tome-PC - Completed to automatically shut the system down - Temperature range +35℃ to -185℃, Stability ±0.1℃ - Cryo Sectioning - Vibration Table
용 도
보유부서 공학관162호
담당자 이수연 vsuyon3@khu.ac.kr
담당자 연락처 031-201-3979
사용요금 http://crf.khu.ac.kr/equipment/index.htm
기타사항 http://crf.khu.ac.kr (온라인 사용 신청)